Unplanned Moments: From Bad Break to Breakthrough

Very few of the Bible’s heroes were born champions. Most were made through adversity. Throughout the Bible, we have observed God develop ordinary people into warriors by leveraging the circumstances that were deemed bad breaks and transforming them into breakthroughs. Below is Saul’s breakthrough story:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose, (Romans 8:28, NIV).

In the Book of 1 Samuel, there was a story about a wealthy man named Kish from the tribe of Benjamin.  Although the chapter starts by paying homage to Kish, it tells the tale of his handsome son Saul.

And So It Begins…

One day, a few of Kish’s donkeys strayed.  Concerned, he instructed Saul to take a servant with him to locate the missing animals.  In those days, the loss of animals such as donkeys weren’t just a mere inconvenience, but it also had financial implications.

The Unfolding of a Breakthrough Plan

At first glance, it appeared as if something awful had happened.  But watch what God did next …

Saul and his servant left home to find and recovery the missing herd.  However, their efforts were futile.  When the two men reached the region of Zuph, Saul was about to give up.

The Land of Milk and Honey

The first thing that struck me about the region of Zuph was its meaning.  Zuph means honeycomb in Hebrew.  Immediately, I conjured the image of milk and honey – a land of abundance, opportunities and possibilities.

Imagine, Saul was about to give up just as he arrived at the summit.  Like Saul, how many of us have journeyed for so long and for so far that we stopped shy of our breakthrough.  We were at the doors of victory, but we retreated too soon.  This brings me to my next point.

Lesson One

When Saul told his servant that he wanted to return home, the servant responded by recalling a memory.  He told Saul that there was a man of God who lived in the area and could help them to find the lost animals.

The point is this: It is important to surround ourselves with Godly counsel who are willing to impart wisdom.  Iron sharpens iron.  Additionally, we should note, there are times when God will use the foolish thing to confound the wise and the weak things of the world to confound the mighty.  For example, in those days, a servant would have been considered inferior.  However, God used Saul’s servant to impart knowledge.  In our lives, it is important to note that it’s not always the scholarly, rich, or famous who have the most sound advice.  Sometimes, the best counsel come from the most unlikely sources.  Thankfully, Saul was humble and obedient.  As a result, he and his servant continued in pursuit of the Man of God, Samuel.

Unbeknownst to Saul and his servant, God had already prepped Samuel for their arrival.  God had instructed Samuel to anoint Saul as leader of the Israelites.

Quick Recap

Let’s recap:  A herd of lost donkeys lead to an extensive search, which ended in the land of honeycombs where Saul’s servant recalled the man of God who, the day before, received from God a revelation of Saul’s kingship.

Lesson 2

The next lesson from this story is: Purpose does not always require a resume or strategic maneuvers.  When God has a plan for our lives, He will supernaturally place us on the hearts and minds of those attached to our assignment.  Saul did not have to jockey for his anointing.  Prior to his arrival, God positioned Samuel to bless him.

Lesson 3

Lastly, experience is not a necessary prerequisite for God-ordained purpose.  Neither is popularity or group consensus.  Nonetheless, when Samuel revealed God’s plans for Saul’s life, like so many of us, Saul automatically expressed his perceived inferiority.  He replied:

But I’m only from the tribe of Benjamin, the smallest tribe in Israel, and my family is the least important of all the families of that tribe!  Why are you talking like this to me?


In conclusion, a God-ordained breakthrough is usually greater than we could imagine; more than we deserve; and beyond our scope of abilities.  God’s vision for our lives will often be greater that anything we could dream.

What Happened to the Donkeys

You might be asking, “What about those donkeys?”  They were found.  What started out as an unfortunate mishap turned out to be a destiny changer.

Sometimes our biggest feat can turn out to be our greatest breakthrough blessing.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up, (Galatians 6:9, NIV).

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