Inspirational Posts

For those who believe that words have the power to create life, Emergent Word is for you. Our inspirational posts are created to motivate you and help you gain a positive, Godly outlook; develop personal growth; learn self-care techniques; and establish self-confidence.

At Emergent Word, one of the goals of our inspirational posts is to encourage our readers to become more than hearers of the word. We believe that while compelling messages can stimulate our senses, simply listening to them is often insufficient to evoke change. Growth occurs through the practical application of God’s truths. This principle is affirmed by the Biblical passage James 1:23–24, which states, “23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like” (NIV). Ultimately, this means that implementation is necessary for change to occur.

By sharing our ideas, experiences, and perspectives, we hope to encourage others to pursue God’s best for their lives. Together, we can navigate through life’s twists and turns.  With that said, please feel free to subscribe to our website and express your thoughts in the comment section. We would love to hear from you too.

7 -Day Reset | Day 5: Relationships

No man is an island. There will be times in each of our lives when we just can’t go it alone. In those instances, we will need relationships and the support of a few good friends.

Two are better

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7 -Day Reset | Day 4: Gratitude

It is safe to assume that everyone has experienced bouts of great sadness or depression. For some, these past few months, perhaps even years, have been extremely difficult. During those challenging periods, the sense of gloom can feel long-lasting and … Read More

7 -Day Reset | Day 3: Balls to the Wall

The original phrase balls-to-the-wall is an aviation idiom where pilots, in an effort to quickly accelerate and achieve maximum capacity, thrust the throttle lever (ball) to the panel (wall). In contemporary vernacular, the expression has adopted a similar meaning: to … Read More

7 -Day Reset | Day 2: Forgiveness

The title of today’s message is 7 -Day Reset | Day 2: ForgivenessThis second installment of our 7-day devotional will explore the topic of forgiveness.

So, What Does Forgiveness Look Like?

Forgiveness is not a linear destination. The … Read More

7 -Day Reset | Day 1: The New Beginning

Update: 7 -Day Reset | Day 1: The New Beginning

This post was originally published on October 20, 2020. Back then, our world looked much different than it does today. We were in the throes of a pandemic that seemed … Read More

Keep Your Dreams to Yourself

There are times in our lives when God places a dream (a revelation, a vision or a seed) on our hearts, and that dream is just for us. However, in our overzealousness, we could end up prematurely disclosing God’s secret … Read More

No One Can Curse What God Has Blessed

No One Can Curse What God Has Blessed

Whenever fear and envy are your driving forces, disaster abounds.  However, know that no one can curse what God has blessed.

In the book of Numbers, Balak’s fear and envy of the Israelites prompted him to request that Balaam curse … Read More

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