Remembering 9/11 (2001: 20 Years Later)

Remembering 9/11 (2001: The Day of Attack)

Today marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11. For those of us who were alive and are old enough to experience the events of that day, we remember exactly where we were during those tragic moments. For me, I first learned of the terror when I made a stop at the gas station on my way to my morning class. Upon entering the convenience store to pay, I noticed the attendant watching the news on a small, old tube television. As I inquired about the broadcast, he turned and looked at me in horror, and with panic in his voice, he told me that a plane had just flown into the World Trade Center Building. I immediately looked past him and stared at the television. Flames were emanating from the building. The scene was surreal.

When I left the gas station, I scanned through the radio programs. The story was breaking news on every station. In fact, it wasn’t just a local American story; the whole world was watching in utter disbelief. For my generation, the cataclysmic impact of 9/11 was irreversible, and it bifurcated time into post-9/11 and pre-9/11 realities. Unfortunately, those events marked the dawn of a new era, and from then on, there was no going back to life as it was.

In the hours and days after 9/11, I remember feeling the rawness and intensity of that horrific atrocity. I wondered whether the course of time could ever diminish the acuity of our pain. I couldn’t imagine how our emotions could ever feel less intense than they were in that moment. Back then, I couldn’t imagine what 20 years in the future would look and feel like. Yet here we are, still standing, but now with an arsenal of experience.

Lesson 1: Time Marches On

So, what are some of the lessons that I have learned since then? One of the most sobering lessons is: Time marches on! Regrettably, as much as we would like time to stand still and to give us a moment to heal—to catch our breaths—it doesn’t. Although there are moments when life feels as though it has been frozen in a time capsule, time still turns the page. Ultimately, even the darkest winters will eventually turn to spring—with or without us.

Fortunately, there is something therapeutic about time. It can often dull the impact of a sharp pain. In other words, time heals us.

Lesson 2: Love Defies Death

The second, perhaps most important, lesson that I have learned is that love defies death. The sting of death cannot extinguish the flames of love. Death can only claim what is perishable. Our souls, which are the reservoirs of our love, are immortal and indestructible. So, while death can claim our moral bodies, it cannot quell our love. The prospect of new love gives us hope to push forward. The existence of present love gives us comfort to muddle through the pain, and the perpetuity of past love gives us ammunition to combat grief.

Remembering 9/11 (2021: 20 Years Later)

This year’s 9/11 anniversary comes at a time when people are still reeling from COVID-19. For many, the pandemic has opened old wounds. For some, it has created new ones. The truth is, there is no magical cure for grief. Fortunately, the knowledge that love will never fade is a solace that can be found in the midst of tragedy.

The Path to Wholeness

The winding road to wholeness is a long journey—one filled with many pitfalls and countless detours. None of us are equipped to brave it alone. During our darkest days, we need to fortify ourselves with love from those around us. For some of us, that restoration might also include getting professional help in the form of counseling or medication. Regardless of how we find comfort, we should keep in mind that each individual has a different path to recovery. The important thing is to just get there.

As we commemorate the lives lost during the 9/11 attacks, we should cherish our memories. Doing so is one of the best ways to survive the heartache of loss.

Listen to Remembering 9/11 (2021: 20 Years Later):

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