Your new life is just a thought away!

renew your Mind

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

– Romans 12:2 

emergent word

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It’s so easy to get weighted down by life’s toil.  Some days, it seems as if everywhere we turn, negative voices are telling us that our best days are behind us.  Fortunately, where there is life, there is hope!

We at Emergent Word believe in the restorative power of spoken and written words.  Our platform is a place where all people can find  messages of hope and words of encouragement.

Recent Posts

Greater Works: Healing

A few years ago, I heard Pastor Joseph Prince say, “Scripture answers Scripture.” Since then, I have never forgotten that message. Today, the topic of healing has been on my heart and mind. ...

The Immediate Miracle

There are times in our Christian lives when we need to experience an expeditious move by God. In those moments, we feel pressed on all sides and crushed by the forces of life.  Particularly, many of...

Coping With Grief During Christmas Time

For some, Christmas marks one of the most delightful seasons of the year. Nevertheless, for others, it is a time of sorrow and deep sadness, with grief casting a lasting shadow over the holiday...

Are You Living a Life of Desperation?

While answering the question, "Are you living a life of desperation?" I revisited prayer requests from previous years. Upon review, I noticed that many of those pleas had found resolution in one form...

God’s Covenant

In its simplest form, a covenant is a binding agreement, contract, or bond between parties. In essence, it is a commitment that carries the weight of a promise. When a covenant is activated, there is...

How to Trust God When It Feels Like He Let You Down

Do you find it hard to trust God because you feel like he has left you hanging? C’mon, tell the truth! Never?  Let me ask it a different way. Have you ever experienced a time when you knew within your...

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